Baby Massage Course

Four week courses at The Activity Den, Shipley

Our baby massage course

We discuss ways of incorporating massage into your already busy schedule. The benefits of massage, and we look at ways of helping support any digestion issues, calming techniques and relaxation programmes. 

All course equipment & refreshments are provided: 

  • Massage oil
  • Weekly handouts
  • Folder containing all hand outs on the final week 
  • Certificate of completion
  • Personal photo's of your time together in massage
  • Free flowing hot drinks
  • Cake & sweet treats
  • Baby weighing scales 
  • Sensory lights & toys
  • Themed activity week

Course start dates (running 4 consecutive weeks)

We run courses on a Monday afternoon (1.30-2.30pm) 

  • Monday 9th September
  • Monday 11th November

When can I start baby massage

There are no set guidelines regarding the minimum age for when to start baby massage. Although nurturing touch can be given from birth, some babies may find formal, structured massage too stimulating in the very early weeks.

When it comes to baby massage classes, some babies may find a formal class overwhelming in the early weeks. It can also be hard for parents to make it to a class on time or consistently with a newborn. As a result, many parents prefer to wait until their baby is about four to six weeks old when their routine is more settled and their behaviour is sometimes more predictable.

What is baby massage & the benefits?

Baby massage is a lovely way to enjoy time with your baby and it can also help you bond with them. Before babies are able to understand language, we often communicate and comfort them through touch. If a baby cries, for example, parents will hold, cuddle or stroke them. Baby massage is part of this natural impulse. 

Baby massage was introduced about 30 years ago in neonatal wards to support the development of premature babies in intensive care units. A study in 2004 found that babies in intensive care units who were massaged spent less time in hospital, had slightly better scores on developmental tests and slightly fewer postnatal complications. 

Today, there is widespread belief that baby massage can increase a mum’s awareness of her baby’s needs and support their early bond, as well as improve her sense of well-being if she is suffering with postnatal depression or other mental health issues. The evidence is inconclusive on these points but parents do say they find baby massage a lovely way of bonding with their baby. 


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